Large refactor and cleanup, Kitty graphics WIP

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Gehrke 2024-05-18 12:37:15 +02:00
parent 3b7afa3d90
commit 3b2d97d45a
20 changed files with 936 additions and 621 deletions

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
import mill._, scalalib._, publish._
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-bloop:0.9.5`
object copret extends ScalaModule with PublishModule {
def scalaVersion = "3.1.0"
override def ammoniteVersion = "2.5.3"
def publishVersion = "0.0.2-SNAPSHOT"
def pomSettings = PomSettings(
description = "Use ammonite scripts for command line presentations",
organization = "de.qwertyuiop",
versionControl = VersionControl(
browsableRepository = Some(""),
connection = Some(VersionControlConnection.gitHttps("", "crater2150/copret.git")),
developerConnection = Some(VersionControlConnection.gitSsh(
"", "crater2150/copret.git", username = Some("git")
url = "",
licenses = Seq(License.MIT),
developers = Seq(Developer("crater2150", "Alexander Gehrke", ""))
def ivyDeps = Agg(

copret/.scalafmt.conf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
version = "3.7.10"
maxColumn = 120
assumeStandardLibraryStripMargin = true
align.preset = most
align.multiline = true
rewrite.rules = [SortModifiers]
trailingCommas = always
runner.dialect = scala3
includeNoParensInSelectChains = false
optIn.breakChainOnFirstMethodDot = false
rewrite.scala3.insertEndMarkerMinLines = 30

copret/project.scala Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
//> using scala 3.3
//> using packaging.packageType library
//> using publish.organization de.qwertyuiop
//> using copret
//> using publish.version 0.0.2
//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-core:2.10.0
//> using dep org.jline:jline:3.26.1
//> using dep com.lihaoyi::os-lib:0.10.0
//> using dep com.lihaoyi::fansi:0.5.0

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import de.qwertyuiop.copret.syntax._ import de.qwertyuiop.copret.syntax._
import ammonite.ops.{%%, pwd}
def %%(command: os.Shellable*)(cwd: os.Path = null): os.CommandResult =
os.proc(command).call(cwd = cwd)
case class Theme(styles: Map[String, fansi.Attrs], figletFonts: Map[String, String]): case class Theme(styles: Map[String, fansi.Attrs], figletFonts: Map[String, String]):
def style(key: String, default: fansi.Attrs = fansi.Attrs()) = def style(key: String, default: fansi.Attrs = fansi.Attrs()) =
@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ object Format:
def center(str: String) = " " * ((columns - str.length) / 2) + str def center(str: String) = " " * ((columns - str.length) / 2) + str
def figlet(str: String, font: String) = %%("figlet", "-t", "-f", font, str)(pwd).out.string def figlet(str: String, font: String):String = new String(%%("figlet", "-t", "-f", font, str)().out.bytes)
def centerLines(str: String) = str.split("\n").map(center).mkString("\n") def centerLines(str: String) = str.split("\n").map(center).mkString("\n")
def centerBlock(str: String) = def centerBlock(str: String) =

copret/src/images.scala Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import Terminal.*
object KittyGraphicsProtocol:
val MaxID = 4294967295L // max 32-bit unsigned
def checkSupport =
def showImage(img: os.Path) =
import java.util.Base64
val image = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(
if image.length > 4096 then
val chunks = image.grouped(4096).toVector
s"${apc}Gf=100,t=d,m=1,a=T;${chunks.head}${st}" + => s"${apc}Gm=1;${c}${st}").mkString +
else s"${apc}Gf=100,t=d,a=T;${image}${st}"
trait Param:
def code: String
enum Action(val encoded: Char) extends Param:
case Transmit extends Action('t') // - transmit data
case TransmitShow extends Action('T') // - transmit data and display image
case Query extends Action('q') // - query terminal
case Show extends Action('p') // - put (display) previous transmitted image
case Delete(what: DelType, free: Boolean) extends Action('d') // - delete image
case Animation extends Action('a') // - control animation
case AnimationFrame extends Action('f') // - transmit data for animation frames
case AnimationCompose extends Action('c') // - compose animation frames
def code: String = this match
case Delete(action, free) =>
"d=" + (if free then action.code.capitalize else action.code)
case other => s"a=${other.encoded}"
enum Responses(val code: String) extends Param:
case All extends Responses("q=0")
case NoOk extends Responses("q=1")
case NoError extends Responses("q=2")
enum Format(val code: String) extends Param:
case RGB(width: Int, height: Int) extends Format(s"f=24,s=${width},v=${height}")
case RGBA(width: Int, height: Int) extends Format(s"f=32,s=${width},v=${height}")
case PNG extends Format("f=100")
enum Medium(val code: String) extends Param:
case Direct extends Medium("t=d")
case File extends Medium("t=f")
case TempFile extends Medium("t=t")
case SharedMemory extends Medium("t=s")
enum AnimationState(val code: String) extends Param:
case Stop extends AnimationState("s=1")
case WaitFrame extends AnimationState("s=2")
case Run extends AnimationState("s=3")
private def delType(what: Char, freeData: Boolean) =
s"a=d,d=${if freeData then what.toUpper else what}"
enum DelType extends Param:
case AllPlacements
case ById(id: Int)
case ByNumber(num: Int)
case AtCursor
case Frames
case AtPosition(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int = -1)
case ByIdRange(from: Int, to: Int)
case ByColumn(x: Int)
case ByRow(y: Int)
case ByZIndex(z: Int)
def code: String = this match
case AllPlacements => "a"
case ById(id) => s"i,i=$id"
case ByNumber(num) => s"n,I=$num"
case AtCursor => "c"
case Frames => "f"
case AtPosition(x, y, z) =>
val (what, zarg) = if z >= 0 then ("q", s",z=$z") else ("p", "")
what + s",x=$x,y=$y" + zarg
case ByIdRange(x, y) => s"r,x=$x,y=$y"
case ByColumn(x) => s"x,x=$x"
case ByRow(y) => s"y,y=$y"
case ByZIndex(z) => s"z,z=$z"
def optionInts(values: (Int, Char)*) =
values.flatMap((value, key) => Option.when(value >= 0)(s"${key}=${value}")).mkString(",")
case class SimpleParam(val code: String) extends Param
def Filesize(bytes: Int) = SimpleParam(s"S=$bytes")
def Offset(bytes: Int) = SimpleParam(s"O=$bytes")
def ImageID(id: Int) = SimpleParam(s"i=$id")
def ImageNumber(num: Int) = SimpleParam(s"I=$num")
def PlacementID(id: Int) = SimpleParam(s"p=$id")
def ZIndex(zindex: Int) = SimpleParam(s"z=$zindex")
def Parent(id: Int) = SimpleParam(s"P=$id")
def ParentPlacement(id: Int) = SimpleParam(s"Q=$id")
def RelativeOffset(x: Int = -1, y: Int = -1) = SimpleParam(
optionInts((x, 'H'), (y, 'V')),
val CompressZlib = SimpleParam("o=z")
val ContinueChunk = SimpleParam("m=1")
val DontMoveCursor = SimpleParam("C=1")
val UnicodePlaceholder = SimpleParam("U=1")
def Crop(
originX: Int = -1,
originY: Int = -1,
width: Int = -1,
height: Int = -1,
) =
optionInts((originX, 'x'), (originY, 'y'), (width, 'w'), (height, 'h')),
def AnimFrameUpdate(
originX: Int = -1,
originY: Int = -1,
baseID: Int = -1,
editID: Int = -1,
) =
optionInts((originX, 'x'), (originY, 'y'), (baseID, 'c'), (editID, 'r'))
def AnimGap(millis: Int) = SimpleParam(s"z=$millis")
val AnimUseOverwrite = SimpleParam("X=1")
def CellOffset(x: Int = -1, y: Int = -1) = SimpleParam:
optionInts((x, 'X'), (y, 'Y'))
def DisplayCells(cols: Int = -1, rows: Int = -1) = SimpleParam:
optionInts((cols, 'c'), (rows, 'r'))
end KittyGraphicsProtocol

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import ammonite.ops.Path import os.Path
enum SlideAction: enum SlideAction:
case Start case Start
@ -23,26 +23,34 @@ enum SlideAction:
case QuickNext => "next slide (skip animations)" case QuickNext => "next slide (skip animations)"
case Quit => "quit" case Quit => "quit"
case Help => "show help" case Help => "show help"
case Interactive(cmd: Vector[String], wd: Path) => s"execute command \"${cmd.mkString(" ")}\"" case Interactive(cmd: Vector[String], wd: Path) =>
s"execute command \"${cmd.mkString(" ")}\""
case Other(code: List[Int]) => s"Unknown key sequence: $code" case Other(code: List[Int]) => s"Unknown key sequence: $code"
object SlideAction: object SlideAction:
def runForeground(cmd: String*)(implicit wd: Path) = Interactive(cmd.toVector, wd) def runForeground(cmd: String*)(implicit wd: Path) =
Interactive(cmd.toVector, wd)
import SlideAction.* import SlideAction.*
case class Keymap(bindings: Map[Key, SlideAction]): case class Keymap(bindings: Map[Key, SlideAction]):
private val lookup =, v) => -> v) private val lookup =, v) => -> v)
def apply(keycode: List[Int]): SlideAction = lookup.getOrElse(keycode, Other(keycode)) def apply(keycode: List[Int]): SlideAction =
lookup.getOrElse(keycode, Other(keycode))
def extend(newBindings: Map[Key, SlideAction]) = Keymap(bindings ++ newBindings) def extend(newBindings: Map[Key, SlideAction]) = Keymap(
bindings ++ newBindings
def ++(newBindings: Map[Key, SlideAction]) = extend(newBindings) def ++(newBindings: Map[Key, SlideAction]) = extend(newBindings)
def help: String = def help: String =
bindings.toSeq.sortBy(_._2.toString).map((k,v) =>, ' ') + " " +"\n") bindings.toSeq
.map((k, v) =>, ' ') + " " +
object Keymap: object Keymap:
val empty = Keymap(Map()) val empty = Keymap(Map())
// format: off
val default = Keymap(Map( val default = Keymap(Map(
Key.Up -> Prev, Key.Up -> Prev,
Key.Left -> Prev, Key.Left -> Prev,
@ -59,6 +67,7 @@ object Keymap:
Key('s') -> GotoSelect, Key('s') -> GotoSelect,
Key('?') -> Help, Key('?') -> Help,
)) ))
//format: on
enum Key: enum Key:
case Code(name: String, codepoints: List[Int]) case Code(name: String, codepoints: List[Int])

copret/src/main.scala Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import de.qwertyuiop.copret.Terminal.*
@main def main =
// print(queryTerm(s"${apc}Gi=31,s=10,v=2,t=s;L3NvbWUtc2hhcmVkLW1lbW9yeS1uYW1lCg==\u001b\\"))
// print(queryTerm(s"\u001b[6n"))
val canHazGraphics = queryTerm(s"${apc}Gi=${KittyGraphicsProtocol.MaxID},s=1,v=1,a=q,t=d,f=24;AAAA${st}${csi}c")
// println(
// KittyGraphicsProtocol.showImage(
// os.Path("/home/crater2150/org/opencolloq/gittalk/img/repo-graph.png"),
// ),
// )
// println(getSize)

View file

@ -1,103 +1,121 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import ammonite.ops._ import os.Path
import Terminal._
import syntax._
case class Presentation(slides: Vector[Slide], meta: Map[String, String] = Map.empty): import Terminal.*
import syntax.*
case class Presentation(
slides: Vector[Slide],
meta: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
def start(using keymap: Keymap = Keymap.default) = def start(using keymap: Keymap = Keymap.default) =
Terminal.enterRawMode() Terminal.enterRawMode()
Terminal.hideCursor() Terminal.hideCursor()
run() run()
import Presentation._ import Presentation._
def run()(using keymap: Keymap) = def run()(using keymap: Keymap) =
import SlideAction.* import SlideAction.*
@annotation.tailrec def rec(p: Presentation, pos: Int, action: SlideAction): Unit = @annotation.tailrec
action match def rec(pos: Int, action: SlideAction): Unit =
case Start =>
executeSlide(p, 0)() inline def redraw() = rec(pos - 1, QuickNext)
rec(p, 0, waitkey)
case Next => inline def navigate(pos: Int, condition: Boolean, direction: Int)(
if pos + 1 < p.slides.size then executor: Int => Slide => Unit,
executeSlide(p, pos + 1)() ) =
rec(p, pos + 1, waitkey) if condition then
else executor(pos + direction)(slides(pos))
rec(p, pos, waitkey) rec(pos + direction, waitkey)
case QuickNext => else rec(pos, waitkey)
if pos + 1 < p.slides.size then
executeQuick(p, pos + 1)() inline def runInteractive(cmd: Vector[String], path: Path) =
rec(p, pos + 1, waitkey)
else rec(p, pos, waitkey)
case Prev =>
if pos > 0 then
executeQuick(p, pos - 1)()
rec(p, pos - 1, waitkey)
rec(p, pos, waitkey)
case Interactive(cmd, path) =>
Terminal.showCursor() Terminal.showCursor()
try try os.proc(cmd).call(cwd = path)
catch case _ => () catch case _ => ()
Terminal.hideCursor() Terminal.hideCursor()
Terminal.clear() Terminal.clear()
rec(p, pos - 1, QuickNext) redraw()
action match
case Start => navigate(0, true, 0)(executeSlide)
case Next => navigate(pos, pos + 1 < slides.size, 1)(executeSlide)
case QuickNext => navigate(pos, pos + 1 < slides.size, 1)(executeQuick)
case Prev => navigate(pos, pos > 0, -1)(executeQuick)
case Interactive(cmd, path) => runInteractive(cmd, path)
case Goto(target) => case Goto(target) =>
for i <- 0 until target for i <- 0 until target
do executeSilent(p, i)() do executeSilent(i)()
rec(p, target - 1, QuickNext) rec(target - 1, QuickNext)
case GotoSelect => case GotoSelect =>
val maxSlide = p.slides.size - 1 promptSlide() match
val target = prompt(s"Go to slide (0 - $maxSlide):", _.toIntOption)( case Some(i) => rec(pos, Goto(i))
(res, input) => res.filter((0 to maxSlide).contains).isEmpty && input.nonEmpty, case None => redraw()
in => s"No such slide: $in (empty input to abort)"
target match
case Some(i) => rec(p, pos, Goto(i))
case None => rec(p, pos - 1, QuickNext)
case Help => case Help =>
Terminal.clear() Terminal.clear()
println( println(
waitkey waitkey
rec(p, pos - 1, QuickNext) redraw()
case Other(codes) => case Other(codes) =>
Terminal.printStatus( Terminal.printStatus(
rec(p, pos, waitkey) rec(pos, waitkey)
case Quit => case Quit =>
() Terminal.showCursor()
rec(this, 0, Start) end match
end rec
rec(0, Start)
end run
def promptSlide() =
val maxSlide = slides.size - 1
prompt(s"Go to slide (0 - $maxSlide):", _.toIntOption)(
(res, input) => res.filter((0 to maxSlide).contains).isEmpty && input.nonEmpty,
in => s"No such slide: $in (empty input to abort)",
object Presentation: def executeSlide(pos: Int)(
def executeSlide(p: Presentation, pos: Int)(slide: Slide = p.slides(pos)): Unit = slide match slide: Slide = slides(pos),
): Unit = slide match
case Paragraph(contents) => println(contents) case Paragraph(contents) => println(contents)
case Clear => Terminal.clear() case Clear => Terminal.clear()
case PauseKey => waitkey(using Keymap.empty) case PauseKey => waitkey(using Keymap.empty)
case Pause(msec) => Thread.sleep(msec) case Pause(msec) => Thread.sleep(msec)
case incMd @ IncludeMarkdown(_) => println(incMd.markdownBlock()) case incMd @ IncludeMarkdown(_) => println(incMd.markdownBlock())
case Image(file, None) => Terminal.showImage(file) case Image(file, None) => println(KittyGraphicsProtocol.showImage(file))
case Image(file, Some(ImageSize(w, h, aspect))) => Terminal.showImageScaled(file, w, h, aspect) case Image(file, Some(ImageSize(w, h, aspect))) =>
println(KittyGraphicsProtocol.showImage(file)) // TODO
case cmd: TypedCommand[_] => case cmd: TypedCommand[_] =>
case Silent(actions) => actions() case Silent(actions) => actions()
case Group(slides) => slides.foreach(executeSlide(p, pos)) case Group(slides) => slides.foreach(executeSlide(pos))
case lios @ LazyIOSlide(_, display) => executeSlide(p, pos)(lios.genSlide()) case lios @ LazyIOSlide(_, display) => executeSlide(pos)(lios.genSlide())
case Meta(genSlide) => executeSlide(p, pos)(genSlide(p, pos)) case Meta(genSlide) => executeSlide(pos)(genSlide(this, pos))
def executeQuick(p: Presentation, pos: Int)(slide: Slide = p.slides(pos)): Unit = slide match def executeQuick(pos: Int)(
slide: Slide = slides(pos),
): Unit = slide match
case Pause(msec) => () case Pause(msec) => ()
case PauseKey => () case PauseKey => ()
case cmd: TypedCommand[_] => cmd.quickShow() case cmd: TypedCommand[_] => cmd.quickShow()
case Group(slides) => slides.foreach(executeQuick(p, pos)) case Group(slides) => slides.foreach(executeQuick(pos))
case lios @ LazyIOSlide(_, display) => executeQuick(p, pos)(lios.genSlide()) case lios @ LazyIOSlide(_, display) => executeQuick(pos)(lios.genSlide())
case _ => executeSlide(p, pos)(slide) case _ => executeSlide(pos)(slide)
def executeSilent(p: Presentation, pos: Int)(slide: Slide = p.slides(pos)): Unit = slide match def executeSilent(pos: Int)(
slide: Slide = slides(pos),
): Unit = slide match
case cmd: TypedCommand[_] => cmd.force() case cmd: TypedCommand[_] => cmd.force()
case Group(slides) => slides.foreach(executeSilent(p, pos)) case Group(slides) => slides.foreach(executeSilent(pos))
case lios @ LazyIOSlide(_, display) => executeSilent(p, pos)(lios.genSlide()) case lios @ LazyIOSlide(_, display) =>
case Paragraph(_) | Image(_, _) | Clear | IncludeMarkdown(_) | Meta(_) => () case Paragraph(_) | Image(_, _) | Clear | IncludeMarkdown(_) | Meta(_) => ()
case _ => executeQuick(p, pos)(slide) case _ => executeQuick(pos)(slide)
end Presentation
case class ImageSize(width: Double, height: Double, keepAspect: Boolean) case class ImageSize(width: Double, height: Double, keepAspect: Boolean)
@ -113,7 +131,12 @@ object Paragraph:
case class IncludeMarkdown(path: Path) extends Slide: case class IncludeMarkdown(path: Path) extends Slide:
def markdownBlock() = def markdownBlock() =
%%%("/usr/bin/mdcat", "--columns", (columns * 0.8).toInt.toString, path.toString)(using ImplicitWd.implicitCwd).block %%%(
(columns * 0.8).toInt.toString,
)(using os.pwd).block
case class Image(path: Path, sizing: Option[ImageSize]) extends Slide case class Image(path: Path, sizing: Option[ImageSize]) extends Slide
object Image: object Image:
@ -126,7 +149,13 @@ case class Pause(millisec: Long) extends Slide
case object PauseKey extends Slide case object PauseKey extends Slide
case class Meta(contents: (Presentation, Int) => Slide) extends Slide case class Meta(contents: (Presentation, Int) => Slide) extends Slide
case class TypedCommand[T](exec: T => String, display: String, cmd: T, cmdIsHidden: Boolean, outputIsHidden: Boolean) extends Slide: case class TypedCommand[T](
exec: T => String,
display: String,
cmd: T,
cmdIsHidden: Boolean,
outputIsHidden: Boolean,
) extends Slide:
private lazy val _output = exec(cmd) private lazy val _output = exec(cmd)
def output = _output def output = _output
@ -138,22 +167,21 @@ case class TypedCommand[T](exec: T => String, display: String, cmd: T, cmdIsHidd
prompt() prompt()
Terminal.showCursor() Terminal.showCursor()
typeCmd() typeCmd()
if ! outputIsHidden then if !outputIsHidden then print(output)
print(output) if !cmdIsHidden then Terminal.hideCursor()
if ! cmdIsHidden then
def quickShow() = def quickShow() =
force() force()
if !cmdIsHidden then if !cmdIsHidden then
prompt() prompt()
println(display) println(display)
if ! outputIsHidden then if !outputIsHidden then print(output)
def prompt() = print(fansi.Color.LightGreen("user@host % ")) def prompt() = print(fansi.Color.LightGreen("user@host % "))
def force() = _output def force() = _output
def display(s: String) = copy(display = s)
private def typeCmd() = private def typeCmd() =
for char <- display do for char <- display do
print(char) print(char)
@ -170,19 +198,19 @@ case class TypedCommand[T](exec: T => String, display: String, cmd: T, cmdIsHidd
def replaceIf(condition: Boolean)(tc: TypedCommand[_]): TypedCommand[_] = def replaceIf(condition: Boolean)(tc: TypedCommand[_]): TypedCommand[_] =
if condition then tc.showing(display) if condition then tc.showing(display)
else this else this
end TypedCommand
object TypedCommand: object TypedCommand:
val shell = sys.env.getOrElse("SHELL", "sh") val shell = sys.env.getOrElse("SHELL", "sh")
def run(using Path): Vector[String] => String = def run(using Path): Vector[String] => String =
c => safe_%%(c) c => runProcess(c)
def runShell(using Path): Vector[String] => String = def runShell(using Path): Vector[String] => String =
c => safe_%%(Vector(shell, "-c", c.mkString(" "))) c => runProcess(Vector(shell, "-c", c.mkString(" ")))
def runInteractive(using Path): Vector[String] => String = def runInteractive(using Path): Vector[String] => String =
c => { %(c); ""} c => { os.proc(c).call(); "" }
def apply(cmd: String*)(using Path): TypedCommand[Vector[String]] = def apply(cmd: String*)(using Path): TypedCommand[Vector[String]] =
TypedCommand(run, cmd.mkString(" "), cmd.toVector) TypedCommand(run, cmd.mkString(" "), cmd.toVector)
@ -190,7 +218,6 @@ object TypedCommand:
def apply[T](exec: T => String, display: String, cmd: T) = def apply[T](exec: T => String, display: String, cmd: T) =
new TypedCommand(exec, display, cmd, false, false) new TypedCommand(exec, display, cmd, false, false)
def shell(cmd: String*)(using Path): TypedCommand[Vector[String]] = def shell(cmd: String*)(using Path): TypedCommand[Vector[String]] =
TypedCommand(runShell, cmd.mkString(" "), cmd.toVector) TypedCommand(runShell, cmd.mkString(" "), cmd.toVector)
@ -200,12 +227,10 @@ object TypedCommand:
def interactive(cmd: String*)(using Path): TypedCommand[Vector[String]] = def interactive(cmd: String*)(using Path): TypedCommand[Vector[String]] =
TypedCommand(runInteractive, cmd.mkString(" "), cmd.toVector) TypedCommand(runInteractive, cmd.mkString(" "), cmd.toVector)
sealed abstract case class Silent[T] private (doStuff: () => T) extends Slide sealed abstract case class Silent[T] private (doStuff: () => T) extends Slide
object Silent: object Silent:
def apply[T](doStuff: => T) = new Silent(() => doStuff) {} def apply[T](doStuff: => T) = new Silent(() => doStuff) {}
case class Group(slides: List[Slide]) extends Slide case class Group(slides: List[Slide]) extends Slide
object Group: object Group:
def apply(slides: Slide*): Group = Group(slides.toList) def apply(slides: Slide*): Group = Group(slides.toList)
@ -218,7 +243,8 @@ trait SlideSyntax:
private[copret] class LazyIOSlideBuilder[T](runOnce: => T): private[copret] class LazyIOSlideBuilder[T](runOnce: => T):
def useIn(display: T => Slide) = LazyIOSlide(() => runOnce, display) def useIn(display: T => Slide) = LazyIOSlide(() => runOnce, display)
def prepare[T](runOnce: => T): LazyIOSlideBuilder[T] = LazyIOSlideBuilder(runOnce) def prepare[T](runOnce: => T): LazyIOSlideBuilder[T] = LazyIOSlideBuilder(
/* vim:set tw=120: */ /* vim:set tw=120: */

View file

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import syntax.* import syntax.*
import ammonite.ops.{Path, %, %%, pwd, ImplicitWd} import os.Path
trait Templates: trait Templates:
def titleLine(title: String)(using theme: Theme) = Paragraph( def titleLine(title: String)(using theme: Theme) = Paragraph(
"\n" + Format.figlet(title, theme.font("titleLine", "pagga")) + "\n" "\n" + Format
.figlet(title, theme.font("titleLine", "pagga"))
.blue + "\n"
) )
def header(using theme: Theme) = Meta((p, pos) => { def header(using theme: Theme) = Meta((p, pos) => {
@ -14,12 +17,21 @@ trait Templates:"titleLine")(Format.distribute(left, center, right)).text"titleLine")(Format.distribute(left, center, right)).text
}) })
def slide(title: String)(slides: Slide*)(using Theme) = Group(Clear :: header :: titleLine(title) :: slides.toList) def slide(title: String)(slides: Slide*)(using Theme) = Group(
def slide(slides: Slide*)(using Theme) = Group(Clear :: header :: slides.toList) Clear :: header :: titleLine(title) :: slides.toList
def slide(slides: Slide*)(using Theme) = Group(
Clear :: header :: slides.toList
def markdown(title: String, content: Path)(using Theme) = slide(title)( def markdown(title: String, content: Path)(using Theme) = slide(title)(
Paragraph( Paragraph(
%%%("/usr/bin/mdcat", "--columns", (columns * 0.8).toInt.toString, content.toString)(using ImplicitWd.implicitCwd).block %%%(
(columns * 0.8).toInt.toString,
)(using os.pwd).block
) )
) )

View file

@ -1,45 +1,56 @@
package de.qwertyuiop.copret package de.qwertyuiop.copret
import ammonite.ops.{Path, ShelloutException, pwd, read, %, %%} import os.Path
import org.jline.terminal.TerminalBuilder import org.jline.terminal.TerminalBuilder
import org.jline.reader.LineReaderBuilder import org.jline.reader.LineReaderBuilder
import cats.*
import scala.collection.IndexedSeqView
object Terminal: object Terminal:
def safe_%%(cmd: Vector[String])(using Path): String = def runProcess(cmd: Vector[String])(using cwd: os.Path): String =
try try os.proc( = cwd).out.text()
%%(cmd).out.string catch case e: os.SubprocessException => e.result.err.text()
case e: ShelloutException => e.result.err.string def tryCmd[T](cmd: => T, default: => T) =
try cmd
catch case e: os.SubprocessException => default
def enterRawMode(): Unit = def enterRawMode(): Unit =
%%("sh", "-c", "stty -icanon min 1 < /dev/tty")(pwd) os.proc("sh", "-c", "stty -icanon min 1 < /dev/tty")
%%("sh", "-c", "stty -echo < /dev/tty")(pwd) .call(stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)
os.proc("sh", "-c", "stty -echo < /dev/tty").call(stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit)
extension (percent: Double)
def toPercent: String = s"${(percent * 100).toInt}%"
private[copret] lazy val jterm = org.jline.terminal.TerminalBuilder.terminal() private[copret] lazy val jterm = org.jline.terminal.TerminalBuilder.terminal()
private[copret] lazy val lineReader = LineReaderBuilder.builder().terminal(jterm).build() private[copret] lazy val lineReader =
def height = jterm.getSize.getRows def waitkey(implicit keymap: Keymap): SlideAction =
def width = jterm.getSize.getColumns
def waitkey(using keymap: Keymap): SlideAction =
// ignore keypresses done during slide animations // ignore keypresses done during slide animations
while do while ( > 0)
var key = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]() var key = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
key += key +=
while do while ( > 0)
key += key +=
keymap(key.toList) keymap(key.toList)
def printStatus(msg: String): Unit = def queryTerm(query: String): String =
cursorTo(height, 1) val ttyIn = new"/dev/tty")
print(msg) val ttyOut = new"/dev/tty"))
var response = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int]()
response +=
while (ttyIn.available > 0 && response.last != '\u0007')
response +=
new String(response.toArray, 0, response.length)
case class EscapeSequence()
def parseEscape(sequence: String): Option[EscapeSequence] = ???
def prompt[T](prefix: String, parse: String => T)( def prompt[T](prefix: String, parse: String => T)(
retry: (T, String) => Boolean = (t: T, s: String) => false, retry: (T, String) => Boolean = (t: T, s: String) => false,
error: String => String = in => s"Invalid input: $in" error: String => String = in => s"Invalid input: $in",
): T = ): T =
val input = lineReader.readLine(prefix + " ") val input = lineReader.readLine(prefix + " ")
val result = parse(input) val result = parse(input)
@ -48,51 +59,54 @@ object Terminal:
prompt(prefix, parse)(retry, error) prompt(prefix, parse)(retry, error)
else result else result
val term = sys.env("TERM") def isTmux = sys.env.contains("TMUX") || sys.env("TERM").startsWith("screen")
def isTmux = sys.env.contains("TMUX") || term.startsWith("screen") def csi = if (isTmux) "\u001bPtmux\u001b\u001b[" else "\u001b["
def osc = if (isTmux) "\u001bPtmux\u001b\u001b]" else "\u001b]"
def apc = if (isTmux) "\u001bPtmux;\u001b\u001b_" else "\u001b_"
def st = if (isTmux) "\u0007\u001b\\" else "\u0007"
def osc(code: String) = (if isTmux then "\u001bPtmux\u001b\u001b]" else "\u001b]") + code + st def hideCursor() = print(s"${csi}?25l")
def st = if isTmux then "\u0007\u001b\\" else "\u0007" def showCursor() = print(s"${csi}?25h")
def csi(code: String) = "\u001b[" + code def cursorTo(row: Int, col: Int) = print(s"${csi}${row};${col}H")
def clear() = print(s"${csi}2J${csi};H")
def printStatus(msg: String): Unit =
cursorTo(jterm.getSize.getColumns, 1)
def hideCursor() = print(csi("?25l")) def showImage(
def showCursor() = print(csi("?25h")) img: os.Path,
def cursorTo(row: Int, col: Int) = print(csi(s"${row};${col}H")) width: String = "100%",
def clear() = print(csi("2J") + csi(";H")) height: String = "100%",
keepAspect: Boolean = true,
def showImage(img: Path): Unit = ) =
if term == "xterm-kitty" then showImageKitty(img)
else showImageIterm(img, "100%", "100%", true)
def showImageScaled(img: Path, width: Double, height: Double, keepAspect: Boolean): Unit =
if term == "xterm-kitty" then
val cols = (jterm.getSize.getColumns * width).toInt
val rows = (jterm.getSize.getRows * height).toInt
showImageKitty(img) // TODO
showImageIterm(img, width.toPercent, height.toPercent, keepAspect)
def showImageIterm(img: Path, width: String, height: String, keepAspect: Boolean = true): String =
import java.util.Base64 import java.util.Base64
val image = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(read.bytes(img)) val image = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(
val aspect = if keepAspect then 1 else 0 val aspect = if (keepAspect) 1 else 0 // TODO
osc(s"1337;File=inline=1;width=$width;height=$height;preserveAspectRatio=$aspect:$image") if image.length > 4096 then
val chunks = image.grouped(4096).toVector
def showImageKitty(img: Path): String = s"${apc}Gf=100,t=d,m=1,a=T;${chunks.head}${st}" +
import java.util.Base64 => s"${apc}Gm=1;${c}${st}").mkString +
s"\u001b_Gf=100,t=f,a=T,C=1;${Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(}\u001b\\" s"${apc}Gm=0;${chunks.last}${st}"
else s"${apc}Gf=100,t=d,a=T;${image}${st}"
def getSize = queryTerm(s"${csi}s${csi}999;999H${csi}6n${csi}u")
private val SizeResponse = """\u001b\[4;(\d+);(\d+)t""".r
case class PixelSize(width: Int, height: Int)
def getSizePixels: Option[PixelSize] = queryTerm(s"${csi}14t") match
case SizeResponse(rows, cols) => Some(PixelSize(cols.toInt, rows.toInt))
case _ => None
end Terminal
private[copret] trait TerminalSyntax: private[copret] trait TerminalSyntax:
import Terminal._ import Terminal._
def %%%(cmd: String*)(using Path) = safe_%%(cmd.toVector) def %%%(cmd: String*)(using cwd: os.Path): String = runProcess(cmd.toVector)
def columns = jterm.getSize.getColumns def columns = jterm.getSize.getColumns
def rows = jterm.getSize.getRows def rows = jterm.getSize.getRows
/* vim:set tw=120: */ /* vim:set tw=120: */

examples/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

examples/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
//>using scala 3.3
//>using dep de.qwertyuiop::copret:0.0.2
import de.qwertyuiop.copret._
import de.qwertyuiop.copret.syntax.*
import TypedCommand.{interactive, shell => sh}, Format.figlet
import os.{pwd, Path}
/* Configuration */
/* store paths for reuse.
* most of the commands in this presentation will be git commands in a demo repository, so the path to that repo is set
* as implicit (will be the working directory of executed commands) */
val imgs = pwd / "img"
given repoDir: Path = pwd / "demoRepo"
given theme: Theme = Theme.default
/* You can define any variables and use then in your presentation.
* The presentation is pure Scala code, you can use anything that Scala offers . */
val noInteractiveCommands = true
/* image height is defined by the iterm2 image protocol as follows:
* N: N character cells.
* Npx: N pixels.
* N%: N percent of the session's width or height.
* auto: The image's inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate dimension.
* The `Image` slide element will default to 100% height and width (preserving aspect ratio). Here the maximum height
* is calculated for slides with the default header (1 row status, 3 rows title font, 3 rows spacing)
val imageHeight = (rows - 7).toDouble //TODO
/* Make sure, the demo repo is not there in the beginning. We'll create it in the presentation */
/* the basic building block of copret presentations is the various case classes of the `Slide` trait */
val titleSlide =
Group( // `Group` combines several `Slide` objects into one
Clear, // `Clear` clears the screen, so the next slide element starts at the top
imgs / "git-logo.png",
Some(ImageSize(width = 0.1, height = 1, keepAspect = true)),
), // `Image` currently requires a terminal supporting `imgcat`
Paragraph( // `Paragraph` simply prints its text contents
s"""${figlet("git", "roman")}
|${"Wie man es benutzt und was in .git eigentlich passiert"}
|${"-- Alexander Gehrke".right(10)}
// Above you see some of the extension methods for strings, `block` for centering multiline text, `centered` for
// single lines, `right(10)` for placing text 10 spaces away from the right border and `blue` for coloring.
// also, `figlet` calls the external figlet command to render ASCII art text with the given font.
/* copret templates are simply normal methods that return slides */
def chapter(title: String, subtitle: String): Group =
chapter(title, "", subtitle)
def chapter(title1: String, title2: String, subtitle: String): Group = {
val font =
if ((title1.length max title2.length) < columns / 10) "mono12" else "mono9"
header, // a built in template
figlet(title1, font) ++ figlet(
) ++ "\n" ++ subtitle.right(10).green,
val parentSHApattern = raw"parent ([a-f0-9]{40})".r
val treeSHApattern = raw"tree ([a-f0-9]{40})".r
val blobSHApattern = raw"blob ([a-f0-9]{40})".r
/* With `prepare` you can define variables for a slide, that are computed when the presentation reaches the
* slide using it. This is useful for running external commands when a specific slide is reached and using their
* output (if you'd include them in the string interpolation directly, they'd run before starting the presentation).
* The code given to `prepare` is run exactly once *per slide using it*. See the usages of `gitHashes` below for
* details. */
case class GitHashes(
commit: String,
tree: String,
blob: String,
parent: String,
subtree: String,
val gitHashes = prepare {
val commitSHA = %%%("git", "show-ref").substring(0, 40)
val commit = %%%("git", "cat-file", "-p", "HEAD")
val treeSHA =
val parentSHA =
val tree = %%%("git", "cat-file", "-p", treeSHA)
val blobSHA =
val subtreeSHA =
GitHashes(commitSHA, treeSHA, blobSHA, parentSHA, subtreeSHA)
def gitStatus = TypedCommand("git", "status")
def gitCatFile(ref: String) = TypedCommand("git", "cat-file", "-p", ref)
def gitLogGraph(cutOff: Int = 0) = {
val shownCmd = "git log --graph --oneline --all"
val execCmd =
shownCmd + " --decorate=short --color=always " + (if (cutOff > 0)
"| head -n -" + cutOff
else "")
val typer = sh(execCmd) display shownCmd
if (cutOff > 0)
Group(typer, "...".text)
/* A `Presentation` object can include a map of metadata. Which keys are used, depends on your used templates.
* To use them in a slide yourself (or for creating own templates), use the Meta slide class, which can access the
* presentation object and state to generate a slide.
* The only keys used in the packaged templates are currently "author" and "title" in the `header` template */
val meta = Map(
"author" -> "Alexander Gehrke",
"title" -> "Git",
/* A presentation consists of a `Vector[Slide]`. After each slide in this vector, the presentation pauses and waits for
* input. `Group` is used, to display several slides at once, and `PauseKey` can be used inside a `Group` to wait for
* input (but limited to displaying the rest of the `Group`, normal navigation is only possible between top level
* slides).
* Navigation distinguishes between normal and "quick" steps, the latter disables things like pauses or animations. It
* is also possible to jump to a specific slide.
* */
val presentation = Presentation(
/* for simple slides, the `markdown` template and `IncludeMarkdown` Slide allow including plain markdown files.
* (currently requires mdcat) */
markdown("Wozu braucht man das?", pwd / "slides" / ""),
chapter("Basics", "Grundlegende Befehle"),
/* `slide` is a template for a `Group` with an optional title, that clears the screen */
"""Git trackt Inhalt von Dateien innerhalb eines Repositories.
|Kann in neuem oder bestehenden Ordner angelegt werden
/* the `---` template displays a yellow line */
/* `Pause` waits for the given number of milliseconds */
/* `` (here aliased to `sh`) displays a typing animation of that command and then executes it,
* showing its output in the presentation */
sh("git init demoRepo")(using pwd),
/* sometimes it's useful to display something else than is actually executed, e.g. to add comments, or to hide
* options only required because we don't call from an interactive shell (stuff like --color) */
sh("ls -1a --color=always demoRepo")(using pwd) display "ls -1a demoRepo",
/* If you need to run commands that should not display anything in the presentation, use `Silent`.
* Here I use it to prepare the repository, but it could also be used e.g. for playing a sound or opening a video.*/
Silent {
%%%("git", "config", "", "")
%%%("git", "config", "", "crater2150")
%%%("git", "config", "color.status", "always")
%%%("git", "config", "color.ui", "always")
"Noch ist das Repo leer. Ändern wir das:".par,
TypedCommand.fake("cd demoRepo"),
sh("echo 'Hello, World!' > hello.txt"),
sh("ls -1a"),
"Den Zustand des Repos sehen wir mit `git status`\n".par,
"Damit Git Dateien trackt, müssen diese mit `git add` hinzugefügt werden.\n".par,
sh("git add hello.txt"),
"""Die gespeicherten Zustände eines Repos nennt man Commit.
|Zu jedem Commit gibt man eine Zusammenfassung der Änderungen an
sh("git commit --message \"Added first file\""),
"""Commits werden über ihren SHA1-Hash identifiziert. Dieser wird ggf. abgekürzt.
|Mit `git log` können wir uns die bisherigen Commits ansehen:
sh("git log"),
/* here we see `gitHashes`, created with `prepare`, in action:
* As the code is run exactly once per `useIn` call i.e. per using slide, the hashes of the latest commit, tree and
* parent in the demo repo, that `gitHashes` retrieves, are always the ones for the repository state matching the
* slide. The prepared code is run and its result cached, when the slide is first displayed (or skipped over).
gitHashes useIn { sha =>
slide("Was passiert bei einem Commit?")(
s"""Schauen wir uns an, was Git aus dem Commit gemacht hat.
|`git cat-file $$ref` zeigt Inhalt von Git-Objekten. `$$ref` ist Referenz des Objekts, z.B. der Hash.
|Unser Commit hatte den Hash `${sha.commit}`.
|Statt diesem geht auch `HEAD` = aktueller Commit.
s"""Zum Hashen wird vor den Inhalt noch `<Objekttyp> <Länge des Inhalts in bytes\\0` gehängt.
|Hier: `Objekttyp == commit`
gitHashes useIn { sha =>
slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Neben den Metadaten ist in unserem Commit noch eine Zeile
| `tree ${sha.tree}`
|Trees repräsentieren Verzeichnisse, Tree in einem Commit = Wurzelverzeichnis des Repos
|`$$ref^{tree}` = Baum mit Referenz `$$ref`, oder wenn `$$ref` ein Commit ist, der Tree aus diesem
s"""Hier ist noch nicht viel zu sehen, da wir nur eine Datei haben.
|Einträge im Tree haben das Format:
| `<berechtigungen> <blob | tree> <sha1 hash> <dateiname>`
gitHashes useIn { sha =>
slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Blobs sind die eigentlichen Dateiinhalte.
|Unsere `hello.txt` hat, wie im Tree zu sehen, den Hash ${sha.blob.substring(0, 8)}
gitCatFile(sha.blob.substring(0, 8)),
slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Fügen wir ein paar weitere Dateien und einen Unterordner hinzu
sh("mkdir folder"),
sh("echo 'My other file' > other.txt"),
sh("echo 'File in folder' > folder/file.txt"),
sh("git add other.txt folder"),
sh("git commit -m 'Added more files'"),
/* when this slide is reached, our commit hashes have changed. All the previous slides will still display the old ones */
gitHashes useIn { sha =>
slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Wie sieht der neue Commit aus?
s"""Wir haben eine neue Art von Eintrag:
| `parent ${sha.parent}`
|Dieser verweist auf den vorherigen Commit.
|Durch solche Verweise bilden alle Commits einen gerichteten Graphen.
gitHashes useIn { sha =>
slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Sehen wir uns den neuen Tree an:
s"""Eine unserer neuen Dateien ist zu sehen.
|Auch `hello.txt` ist noch da, mit selbem Hash wie vorher (da nicht geändert)
|Die andere neue Datei ist im Verzeichnis `folder`, und daher im `tree` mit dem Hash `${sha.subtree
.substring(0, 8)}` :
gitCatFile(sha.subtree.substring(0, 8)),
slide("Git als Graph")(
imgs / "repo-graph.png",
Some(ImageSize(width = 1, height = imageHeight, keepAspect = true)),
slide("Dateien editieren")(
s"""Auch Änderungen an schon getrackten Dateien müssen mit `git add` zum Repo hinzugefügt werden.
|Erlaubt es, nur Teile der Änderungen zu committen und dadurch commits zu unterteilen.
|Ändern wir ein paar Dateien:
interactive("vim", "hello.txt").replaceIf(noInteractiveCommands)(
sh("echo 'New line' >> hello.txt"),
interactive("vim", "folder/file.txt").replaceIf(noInteractiveCommands)(
sh("echo 'New line' >> folder/file.txt"),
slide("Dateien editieren")(
sh("git add folder/file.txt; git status"),
s"""`git status` zeigt, welche Änderungen in den nächsten Commit aufgenommen werden.
|Solche bezeichnet man als "staged" oder "im Stagingbereich".
|Auch zu sehen: Befehle um diese zu modifizieren (`git add` / `git restore --staged`).
|`git restore <file>` (ohne `--staged`) verwirft Änderungen Nicht wieder herstellbar!
slide("Dateien editieren")(
sh("git commit -m \"Modified file in folder\""),
sh("git add hello.txt; git commit -m \"Extended greeting\""),
markdown("Was bisher geschah", pwd / "slides" / ""),
chapter("Branches", "Grundlegende Befehle"),
slide("\n".par, IncludeMarkdown(pwd / "slides" / "")),
sh("git branch"),
prepare { %%%("git", "branch", "--show-current").trim } useIn { branch =>
s"Aktuell sind wir auf dem Branch `$branch` und es gibt keine weiteren Branches\n".par
s"""Neuen Branch anlegen mit `git branch <name>`
|Alternativ: Branch anlegen und direkt auf diesen wechseln mit `git switch -c <name>`
sh("git switch -c feature/foo"),
sh("git branch"),
"Machen wir ein paar Änderungen und committen sie:\n".par,
"echo 'a new line' >> hello.txt",
) display "echo 'a new line' >> hello.txt # appends to hello.txt",
sh("git add hello.txt"),
sh("git commit -m \"Added line to hello\""),
"Da der Branch `feature/foo` aktiv war, zeigt dieser auf den neuen Commit. `master` wird nicht geändert:".code.text,
"git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate=short --color=always",
) display "git log --graph --oneline --all",
"Jetzt wechseln wir zurück zu `master`:\n".par,
sh("git switch master"),
sh("echo 'Also a new line' >> other.txt"),
sh("git add other.txt"),
sh("git commit -m \"Added line to other\""),
"Im Prinzip haben wir einfach zwei Commits mit dem selben `parent` hinzugefügt:".code.text,
"""Im Normalfall möchte man mehrere Branches irgendwann wieder zusammenführen.
|Dazu gibt es den Befehl `merge`:""".par,
sh("git merge feature/foo"),
slide("Merge Commits")(
"Um zwei divergierte Branches zusammenzuführen, gibt es Merge Commits mit mehreren `parent` Einträgen:".code.text,
slide("Merge Konflikte")(
"Was passiert, wenn wir nicht kompatible Änderungen haben? Noch mal vom Zustand vor dem Merge aus, auf `master`:".code.text,
Silent {
%%%("git", "update-ref", "refs/heads/master", "feature/foo~")
sh("echo 'a different line' >> hello.txt"),
sh("git add hello.txt"),
sh("git commit -m \"Added different line to hello\""),
slide("Der Object Store")(
"""Git speichert Objekte unter `.git/objects/<erste zwei Stellen vom Hash>/<Rest vom Hash>`
|Objekte sind komprimiert.
sh("tree -C .git/objects/ | head -n 11") display "tree .git/objects/",
meta = meta,
/* When starting the presentation, you can pass a custom keymap to use.
* The `runForeground` action lets you run any command, interrupting the presentation until it exits.
* Here I bind the 'i' key to open tmux in the demo repo, for having interactive access, so I can call additional git
* commands for questions */
Keymap.default ++ Map(
Key('i') -> SlideAction.runForeground("tmux"),
/* vim:set tw=120: */

examples/img/git-logo.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.7 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 139 KiB

examples/img/repo-graph.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 141 KiB

View file

@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env amm
import $ivy.`de.qwertyuiop::copret:0.0.1`
import de.qwertyuiop.copret._
import de.qwertyuiop.copret.syntax._
import TypedCommand.{interactive, shell => sh}, Format.figlet
import ammonite.ops.{given, *}
/* Configuration */
/* store paths for reuse.
* most of the commands in this presentation will be git commands in a demo repository, so the path to that repo is set
* as implicit (will be the working directory of executed commands) */
val imgs = pwd/"img"
given repoDir: Path= pwd/"demoRepo"
import de.qwertyuiop.copret.{given Theme}
/* You can define any variables and use then in your presentation.
* The presentation is pure Scala code, you can use anything that Scala offers . */
val debug = true
/* image height is defined by the iterm2 image protocol as follows:
* N: N character cells.
* Npx: N pixels.
* N%: N percent of the session's width or height.
* auto: The image's inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate dimension.
* The `Image` slide element will default to 100% height and width (preserving aspect ratio). Here the maximum height
* is calculated for slides with the default header (1 row status, 3 rows title font, 3 rows spacing)
val imageHeight = (rows - 7).toString
/* Make sure, the demo repo is not there in the beginning. We'll create it in the presentation */
rm! repoDir
/* the basic building block of copret presentations is the various case classes of the `Slide` trait */
val titleSlide =
Group( // `Group` combines several `Slide` objects into one
Clear, // `Clear` clears the screen, so the next slide element starts at the top
Image(imgs/"git-logo.png", width = "10%"), // `Image` currently requires a terminal supporting `imgcat`
Paragraph( // `Paragraph` simply prints its text contents
s"""${figlet("git", "roman")}
|${"Wie man es benutzt und was in .git eigentlich passiert"}
|${"-- Alexander Gehrke".right(10)}
// Above you see some of the extension methods for strings, `block` for centering multiline text, `centered` for
// single lines, `right(10)` for placing text 10 spaces away from the right border and `blue` for coloring.
// also, `figlet` calls the external figlet command to render ASCII art text with the given font.
/* copret templates are simply normal methods that return slides */
def chapter(title: String, subtitle: String): Group = chapter(title, "", subtitle)
def chapter(title1: String, title2: String, subtitle: String): Group = {
val font = if((title1.length max title2.length) < columns / 10) "mono12" else "mono9"
header, // a built in template
figlet(title1, font) ++ figlet(title2, font) ++ "\n" ++ subtitle.right(10).green
val parentSHApattern = raw"parent ([a-f0-9]{40})".r
val treeSHApattern = raw"tree ([a-f0-9]{40})".r
val blobSHApattern = raw"blob ([a-f0-9]{40})".r
/* With `prepare` you can define variables for a slide, that are computed when the presentation reaches the
* slide using it. This is useful for running external commands when a specific slide is reached and using their
* output (if you'd include them in the string interpolation directly, they'd run before starting the presentation).
* The code given to `prepare` is run exactly once *per slide using it*. See the usages of `gitHashes` below for
* details. */
case class GitHashes(commit: String, tree: String, blob: String, parent: String, subtree: String)
val gitHashes = prepare {
val commitSHA = %%%("git", "show-ref").substring(0,40)
val commit = %%%("git", "cat-file", "-p", "HEAD")
val treeSHA = treeSHApattern.findFirstMatchIn(commit).map("")
val parentSHA = parentSHApattern.findFirstMatchIn(commit).map("")
val tree = %%%("git", "cat-file", "-p", treeSHA)
val blobSHA = blobSHApattern.findFirstMatchIn(tree).map("")
val subtreeSHA = treeSHApattern.findFirstMatchIn(tree).map("")
GitHashes(commitSHA, treeSHA, blobSHA, parentSHA, subtreeSHA)
def gitStatus = TypedCommand("git", "status")
def gitCatFile(ref: String) = TypedCommand("git", "cat-file", "-p", ref)
def gitLogGraph(cutOff: Int = 0) = {
val shownCmd = "git log --graph --oneline --all"
val execCmd = shownCmd + " --decorate=short --color=always " + (if(cutOff > 0) "| head -n -" + cutOff else "")
val typer = sh(execCmd) showing shownCmd
if(cutOff > 0)
Group(typer, "...".text)
/* A `Presentation` object can include a map of metadata. Which keys are used, depends on your used templates.
* To use them in a slide yourself (or for creating own templates), use the Meta slide class, which can access the
* presentation object and state to generate a slide.
* The only keys used in the packaged templates are currently "author" and "title" in the `header` template */
val meta = Map(
"author" -> "Alexander Gehrke",
"title" -> "Git"
/* A presentation consists of a `Vector[Slide]`. After each slide in this vector, the presentation pauses and waits for
* input. `Group` is used, to display several slides at once, and `PauseKey` can be used inside a `Group` to wait for
* input (but limited to displaying the rest of the `Group`, normal navigation is only possible between top level
* slides).
* Navigation distinguishes between normal and "quick" steps, the latter disables things like pauses or animations. It
* is also possible to jump to a specific slide.
* */
val presentation = Presentation(Vector(
/* for simple slides, the `markdown` template and `IncludeMarkdown` Slide allow including plain markdown files.
* (currently requires mdcat) */
markdown("Wozu braucht man das?", pwd/"slides"/""),
chapter("Basics", "Grundlegende Befehle"),
/* `slide` is a template for a `Group` with an optional title, that clears the screen */
"""Git trackt Inhalt von Dateien innerhalb eines Repositories.
|Kann in neuem oder bestehenden Ordner angelegt werden
/* the `---` template displays a yellow line */
/* `Pause` waits for the given number of milliseconds */
/* `` (here aliased to `sh`) displays a typing animation of that command and then executes it,
* showing its output in the presentation */
sh("git init demoRepo")(using pwd),
/* sometimes it's useful to display something else than is actually executed, e.g. to add comments, or to hide
* options only required because we don't call from an interactive shell (stuff like --color) */
sh("ls -1a --color=always demoRepo")(using pwd) showing "ls -1a demoRepo",
/* If you need to run commands that should not display anything in the presentation, use `Silent`.
* Here I use it to prepare the repository, but it could also be used e.g. for playing a sound or opening a video.*/
Silent {
%%%("git", "config", "", "")
%%%("git", "config", "", "crater2150")
%%%("git", "config", "color.status", "always")
%%%("git", "config", "color.ui", "always")
"Noch ist das Repo leer. Ändern wir das:".par,
TypedCommand.fake("cd demoRepo"),
sh("echo 'Hello, World!' > hello.txt"),
sh("ls -1a")
"Den Zustand des Repos sehen wir mit `git status`\n".par,
"Damit Git Dateien trackt, müssen diese mit `git add` hinzugefügt werden.\n".par,
sh("git add hello.txt"),
"""Die gespeicherten Zustände eines Repos nennt man Commit.
|Zu jedem Commit gibt man eine Zusammenfassung der Änderungen an
sh("git commit --message \"Added first file\""),
"""Commits werden über ihren SHA1-Hash identifiziert. Dieser wird ggf. abgekürzt.
|Mit `git log` können wir uns die bisherigen Commits ansehen:
sh("git log")
/* here we see `gitHashes`, created with `prepare`, in action:
* As the code is run exactly once per `useIn` call i.e. per using slide, the hashes of the latest commit, tree and
* parent in the demo repo, that `gitHashes` retrieves, are always the ones for the repository state matching the
* slide. The prepared code is run and its result cached, when the slide is first displayed (or skipped over).
gitHashes useIn { sha => slide("Was passiert bei einem Commit?")(
s"""Schauen wir uns an, was Git aus dem Commit gemacht hat.
|`git cat-file $$ref` zeigt Inhalt von Git-Objekten. `$$ref` ist Referenz des Objekts, z.B. der Hash.
|Unser Commit hatte den Hash `${sha.commit}`.
|Statt diesem geht auch `HEAD` = aktueller Commit.
s"""Zum Hashen wird vor den Inhalt noch `<Objekttyp> <Länge des Inhalts in bytes\\0` gehängt.
|Hier: `Objekttyp == commit`
gitHashes useIn { sha => slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Neben den Metadaten ist in unserem Commit noch eine Zeile
| `tree ${sha.tree}`
|Trees repräsentieren Verzeichnisse, Tree in einem Commit = Wurzelverzeichnis des Repos
|`$$ref^{tree}` = Baum mit Referenz `$$ref`, oder wenn `$$ref` ein Commit ist, der Tree aus diesem
s"""Hier ist noch nicht viel zu sehen, da wir nur eine Datei haben.
|Einträge im Tree haben das Format:
| `<berechtigungen> <blob | tree> <sha1 hash> <dateiname>`
gitHashes useIn { sha => slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Blobs sind die eigentlichen Dateiinhalte.
|Unsere `hello.txt` hat, wie im Tree zu sehen, den Hash ${sha.blob.substring(0,8)}
slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Fügen wir ein paar weitere Dateien und einen Unterordner hinzu
sh("mkdir folder"),
sh("echo 'My other file' > other.txt"),
sh("echo 'File in folder' > folder/file.txt"),
sh("git add other.txt folder"),
sh("git commit -m 'Added more files'")
/* when this slide is reached, our commit hashes have changed. All the previous slides will still display the old ones */
gitHashes useIn { sha => slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Wie sieht der neue Commit aus?
s"""Wir haben eine neue Art von Eintrag:
| `parent ${sha.parent}`
|Dieser verweist auf den vorherigen Commit.
|Durch solche Verweise bilden alle Commits einen gerichteten Graphen.
gitHashes useIn { sha => slide("Commits, Trees, Blobs")(
s"""Sehen wir uns den neuen Tree an:
s"""Eine unserer neuen Dateien ist zu sehen.
|Auch `hello.txt` ist noch da, mit selbem Hash wie vorher (da nicht geändert)
|Die andere neue Datei ist im Verzeichnis `folder`, und daher im `tree` mit dem Hash `${sha.subtree.substring(0,8)}` :
slide("Git als Graph")(Image(imgs/"repo-graph.png", height=imageHeight)),
slide("Dateien editieren")(
s"""Auch Änderungen an schon getrackten Dateien müssen mit `git add` zum Repo hinzugefügt werden.
|Erlaubt es, nur Teile der Änderungen zu committen und dadurch commits zu unterteilen.
|Ändern wir ein paar Dateien:
interactive("vim", "hello.txt").replaceIf(debug)(sh("echo 'New line' >> hello.txt")),
interactive("vim", "folder/file.txt").replaceIf(debug)(sh("echo 'New line' >> folder/file.txt")),
slide("Dateien editieren")(
sh("git add folder/file.txt; git status"),
s"""`git status` zeigt, welche Änderungen in den nächsten Commit aufgenommen werden.
|Solche bezeichnet man als "staged" oder "im Stagingbereich".
|Auch zu sehen: Befehle um diese zu modifizieren (`git add` / `git restore --staged`).
|`git restore <file>` (ohne `--staged`) verwirft Änderungen Nicht wieder herstellbar!
slide("Dateien editieren")(
sh("git commit -m \"Modified file in folder\""),
sh("git add hello.txt; git commit -m \"Extended greeting\""),
markdown("Was bisher geschah", pwd/"slides"/""),
chapter("Branches", "Grundlegende Befehle"),
slide("\n".par, IncludeMarkdown(pwd/"slides"/"")),
sh("git branch"),
prepare { %%%("git", "branch", "--show-current").trim } useIn { branch =>
s"Aktuell sind wir auf dem Branch `$branch` und es gibt keine weiteren Branches\n".par
s"""Neuen Branch anlegen mit `git branch <name>`
|Alternativ: Branch anlegen und direkt auf diesen wechseln mit `git switch -c <name>`
sh("git switch -c feature/foo"),
sh("git branch"),
"Machen wir ein paar Änderungen und committen sie:\n".par,
sh("echo 'a new line' >> hello.txt") showing "echo 'a new line' >> hello.txt # appends to hello.txt",
sh("git add hello.txt"),
sh("git commit -m \"Added line to hello\""),
"Da der Branch `feature/foo` aktiv war, zeigt dieser auf den neuen Commit. `master` wird nicht geändert:".code.text,
sh("git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate=short --color=always") showing "git log --graph --oneline --all",
"Jetzt wechseln wir zurück zu `master`:\n".par,
sh("git switch master"),
sh("echo 'Also a new line' >> other.txt"),
sh("git add other.txt"),
sh("git commit -m \"Added line to other\""),
"Im Prinzip haben wir einfach zwei Commits mit dem selben `parent` hinzugefügt:".code.text,
"""Im Normalfall möchte man mehrere Branches irgendwann wieder zusammenführen.
|Dazu gibt es den Befehl `merge`:""".par,
sh("git merge feature/foo"),
slide("Merge Commits")(
"Um zwei divergierte Branches zusammenzuführen, gibt es Merge Commits mit mehreren `parent` Einträgen:".code.text,
slide("Merge Konflikte")(
"Was passiert, wenn wir nicht kompatible Änderungen haben? Noch mal vom Zustand vor dem Merge aus, auf `master`:".code.text,
Silent {
%%%("git", "update-ref", "refs/heads/master", "feature/foo~")
sh("echo 'a different line' >> hello.txt"),
sh("git add hello.txt"),
sh("git commit -m \"Added different line to hello\""),
slide("Der Object Store")(
"""Git speichert Objekte unter `.git/objects/<erste zwei Stellen vom Hash>/<Rest vom Hash>`
|Objekte sind komprimiert.
sh("tree -C .git/objects/ | head -n 11") showing "tree .git/objects/",
), meta=meta)
/* When starting the presentation, you can pass a custom keymap to use.
* The `runForeground` action lets you run any command, interrupting the presentation until it exits.
* Here I bind the 'i' key to open tmux in the demo repo, for having interactive access, so I can call additional git
* commands for questions */
presentation.start(using Keymap.default ++ Map(
Key('i') -> SlideAction.runForeground("tmux"),
/* vim:set tw=120: */

examples/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
//>using dep de.qwertyuiop::copret:0.0.2
import de.qwertyuiop.copret.*
import Terminal.*
val hasGraphics =
val size = queryTerm(s"${csi}14t")
println(s"Has graphics: $hasGraphics")

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- Versionierungssysteme speichern _Änderungsverlauf_ von Dateien
- Lässt einen Änderungen rückgängig machen
- Unterstützt einen bei *Zusammenführung* von mehreren Versionen
(z.B. stabile und Entwicklungsversion)
- Synchronisierung zwischen mehreren Rechnern
- Fehlersuche
- ...

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Branches sind mehrere parallele Entwicklungszweige. Wozu Branches?
- Hauptbranch (master, main, etc.) für stabile Version nutzen
- neue Branches pro zusätzlichem Feature erstellen
- Arbeit an mehreren Branches unabhängig voneinander möglich
- Anzeigen aller Änderungen zwischen Branches möglich
- Springen zwischen Zustand verschiedener Branches
Verschiedene Workflows möglich, je nach Projekt unterschiedlich.
Branches sind in Git "billig":
- Ein Branch ist ein Pointer auf einen Commit
- Normalerweise ist ein Branch als aktueller Branch ausgewählt
- Neuer Commit => aktueller Branch zeigt nun auf diesen
- Neue Branches erstellen = neue Datei mit Hash anlegen
- Branches können auch komplett lokal bleiben (im Gegensatz zu SVN)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- `git init [dir]`:
neues Repo anlegen
- `git status`:
Aktuellen Zustand zeigen (geänderte, ungetrackte Dateien, Stagingbereich)
- `git add <path>`:
Datei zu Repo hinzufügen / Änderungen in Datei für Commit markieren / "stagen"
- `git restore --staged <path>`:
Änderungen aus Staging wieder herausnehmen
- `git restore <path>`:
Änderungen in Datei verwerfen (zurück zu Dateizustand aus letzten Commit)
- `git commit [-m message]`:
Neuen Commit mit Änderung im Stagingbereich erstellen
- `git log`:
Bisherige Commits anzeigen
- (`git cat-file`: Git-Objekte im internen Format anzeigen. Braucht man im Alltag nicht)