# Advent of Code 2021 See also [Advent of Code homepage](https://adventofcode.com/2021) ## Running To call the main method via `sbt`, use `sbt run [sample] - `` should be a directory containing files named `day1.txt`, `day2.txt`, ... - `` is given as a single integer - optionally, `[sample]` is the number of a sample input to use (place in the input directory) Without a sample input number, the solution for the given day `X` will be run with `/day.txt` as input. If a sample input number `S` is given, `/day-sample.txt` is used instead. Examples: ``` # Run day 1 with day1.txt sbt "run input/2021 1" # Run day 2 with day2-sample1.txt sbt "run input/2021 2 1" ```