Day 20. First attempt at visualization

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Gehrke 2021-12-20 22:02:42 +01:00
parent c51316a773
commit 06d7128ac1
4 changed files with 193 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

input/2021/day20.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@

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@ -2,5 +2,84 @@ package de.qwertyuiop.aoc.`2021`
import de.qwertyuiop.aoc.lib.* import de.qwertyuiop.aoc.lib.*
import cats.*, cats.implicits.given import cats.*, cats.implicits.given
import Vectors.*
import CanYouEnhanceThat.*
def day20(using InputSource): Unit = ??? import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
type Image = Map[Vec2D[Int], Char]
def day20(using InputSource): Unit =
val algo :: _ :: values = input( => (if c == '#' then '1' else '0')).toVector)
val image = (for (line, x) <- values.zipWithIndex ; (chr, y) <- line.zipWithIndex yield Vec2D(x, y) -> chr).toMap
// ZOOM (out), ENHANCE!
def enhanceN(steps: Int) = enhance(algo, image, 0, values.size - 1)(steps)(renderPBM(-steps, values.size - 1 + steps))
val (enhanced, enhancedRenders) = enhanceN(2)
val (veryEnhanced, veryEnhancedRenders) = enhanceN(50)
/* Visualization!
* Uncomment, run this, then run:
* % ffmpeg -r 5 -f image2 -s ${size}x${size} -i /tmp/%02d.pbm -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p ENHANCE.mp4
* where $size = iterations * 2 + values.size
//veryEnhancedRenders.reverse.zipWithIndex.foreach((pbm, i) => Files.writeString(Paths.get(f"/tmp/$i%02d.pbm"), pbm))
println(s"After 2 iterations: ${enhanced.count((_, c) => c == '1')} lights on")
println(s"After 50 iterations: ${veryEnhanced.count((_, c) => c == '1')} lights on")
object CanYouEnhanceThat:
extension (c: Char)
def flip = if c == '1' then '0' else '1'
def enhance[T](algo: Vector[Char], image: Image, min: Int, max: Int, outer: Char = '0', renders: List[T] = Nil)(steps: Int)(renderer: Image => T): (Image, List[T]) =
def lookup(pos: Vec2D[Int]) =
val binStr = => image.getOrElse(p, outer)).mkString
algo(Integer.parseInt(binStr, 2))
val rendersNew = renderer(image) :: renders
if(steps == 0) (image, rendersNew)
val newImage = (
x <- (min - 1) to (max + 1)
y <- (min - 1) to (max + 1)
val p = Vec2D(x,y)
p -> lookup(p)
enhance(algo, newImage, min - 1, max + 1, if algo(0) == '1' then outer.flip else outer, rendersNew)(steps - 1)(renderer)
* Output an Image to the terminal
def printImage(image: Image) =
val min = image.keys.minBy(_.x).x
val max = image.keys.maxBy(_.x).x
for x <- min - 2 to max + 2 do
for y <- min - 2 to max + 2 do
print(image.get(Vec2D(x,y)).map(c => if c == '1' then '#' else ' ').getOrElse(' '))
* Render image as a PBM file. min and max set the range of coordinates to render.
* This doesn't take the blinking outer part into account, to prevent seizures.
def renderPBM(min: Int, max: Int)(image: Image) =
val width = max - min + 1
val even = width % 2
s"P1\n${width + even} ${width + even}\n" +
for x <- min to max + even yield
for y <- min to max + even yield image.getOrElse(Vec2D(x,y), '0')
).mkString(" ")
def noop(image: Image): Null = null

View file

@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ object Vectors:
def neighbours: Vector[Vec2D[T]] = def neighbours: Vector[Vec2D[T]] =
neighbourCoords(2).map(n => a + (n(0), n(1))) neighbourCoords(2).map(n => a + (n(0), n(1)))
def kernel3x3: Vector[Vec2D[T]] =
val (pre,post) = neighbours.splitAt(4)
pre.appended(a) ++ post
def orthoNeighbours(sizeX: T, sizeY: T)(using Ordering[T]): Vector[Vec2D[T]] = def orthoNeighbours(sizeX: T, sizeY: T)(using Ordering[T]): Vector[Vec2D[T]] =
val n = summon[Numeric[T]] val n = summon[Numeric[T]]
import math.Ordering.Implicits.infixOrderingOps import math.Ordering.Implicits.infixOrderingOps