# path to your zsh configuration dir # this may be the path to this repo, if you use it per user # if you installed this repo to /etc/zsh/, this is the path for the per user # config, which can override global settings in /etc/zsh export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh PROMPT_UNICODE=yes # below you can put user or server specific settings. # on foreign server I don't want to accidentaly alarm admins #sudo() { # echo "no root here"; #} # #su() { # echo "no root here"; #} # set modules to load. here: exclude highlight, because it is no fun over slow # connections #ZMODLOAD_ONLY=( autoloader bindings completion vcs prompt ) # make some programs use xdg basedirs #export MAILDIR=$HOME/.maildir export NOTMUCH_CONFIG=$HOME/.config/notmuch-config #export VIMINIT="let \$MYVIMRC=\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc\" | source \$MYVIMRC" #export GVIMINIT="let \$MYGVIMRC=\"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/gvimrc\" | source \$MYGVIMRC" #export GNUPGHOME="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/gnupg