if vim.env['VIRTUAL_ENV'] ~= nil then vim.g.python3_host_prog = vim.fn.system("which -a python3 | sed -n 2p | tr -d '\n'") else vim.g.python3_host_prog = vim.fn.system("which python3 | tr -d '\n'") end -- lazy.nvim bootstrap local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git", "--branch=stable", -- latest stable release lazypath, }) end vim.opt.rtp:prepend(lazypath) require("lazy").setup("plugins", { dev = { path = "~/projects/nvim/", patterns = { "crater2150" }, fallback = true } }) vim.opt.background = "dark" vim.opt.number = true vim.opt.title = true vim.opt.colorcolumn = "+1" vim.opt.textwidth = 80 vim.opt.tabstop = 2 vim.opt.shiftwidth = 2 vim.opt.whichwrap = "b,s,<,>,[,],h,l" vim.opt.timeout = false vim.opt.foldmethod = "expr" vim.opt.foldlevel = 99 vim.opt.foldexpr = "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()" vim.opt.diffopt:append("vertical") vim.opt.diffopt:append("linematch:50") -- todo visualbell needed? vim.opt.shell = "/bin/zsh" vim.opt.ignorecase = true vim.opt.smartcase = true vim.opt.inccommand = "split" vim.opt.listchars = "tab:⇥\\ ,trail:-,nbsp:+,lead:␣" --vim.opt.list = true vim.cmd [[hi link Whitespace Comment]] vim.opt.wildmode = { "list:longest", "list:full" } vim.opt.wildignore = { "*.so", "*.swp", "*.zip", "*.o" } vim.opt.suffixes = { ".bak", "~", ".h", ".info", ".swp", ".obj", ".info", ".aux", ".dvi", ".bbl", ".out", ".o", ".lo", "\\.class", ".pdf" } vim.opt.completeopt = "menu,menuone,noselect" vim.opt.mouse = '' vim.opt.shortmess = vim.o.shortmess .. "c" vim.opt.cursorline = true vim.opt.undofile = true vim.opt.spelllang = 'de,en' vim.opt.termguicolors = true vim.opt.pumblend = 10 vim.opt.updatetime = 300 local command = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command local initlua = vim.fn.stdpath('config') .. '/init.lua' command('RC', function() vim.cmd.edit(initlua) end, { desc = 'edit init.lua' }) command('CD', ':cd %:h', { desc = 'cd to current file' }) command('TrailingSpace', '%s/\\s*$//g', { desc = 'remove trailing spaces' }) vim.g.tex_flavor = 'latex' local key = vim.keymap.set key('n', '', 'za', { desc = 'toggle fold' }) key('v', '.', 'normal .', { desc = 'repeat last command in visual mode' }) key('n', 'cy', '"*y', { desc = 'copy to system clipboard' }) key('t', '', '', { desc = 'exit terminal mode' }) -- Arrow keys for window movement and resizing key('n', '', 'h') key('n', '', 'j') key('n', '', 'k') key('n', '', 'l') -- key('n', '', "<") key('n', '', ">") key('n', '', "-") key('n', '', "+") key('n', '', function() vim.fn.search('^[^[:space:])\\]}]', 'be') end, { desc = 'jump to previous unindented line' }) key('n', '', function() vim.fn.search('^[^[:space:])\\]}]', 'e') end, { desc = 'jump to next unindented line' }) key('i', '', 'u') key('n', '&', ':&&') key('x', '&', ':&&') key('n', 'Y', 'y$') key('i', '', '', { desc = 'completion' }) key('n', '', 'nohredraw!', { desc = 'clear search highlight' }) key('v', 'gs', "'<,'>sort", { desc = 'sort selection' }) key({ 'n', 'x' }, '', "(EasyAlign)", { desc = 'align selection' })