crater2150 a43b908350 Update to Awesome 4.0
Configuration works mostly identical to previous state. Some exceptions:
- Minor changes in tag names (removed unicode symbols), as they are now
  referenced by name in the rules.
- Calendar module is not yet ported and not loaded.
- Scratch terminal on F12 key currently moves to bottom of the screen after
  first opening. Probably will be reimplemented using the new extended
  awful.spawn API.
- awsetbg util writes different wallpaperrc (preexisting wallpaperrc is ignored,
  as the filename now includes .lua)
2017-01-10 17:45:32 +01:00

131 lines
4 KiB

-- key bindings
local awful = require("awful")
local conf = conf
local modkey = conf.modkey or "Mod4"
local binder = binder or require("separable.binder")
local mb = binder.modal
local mpd = require("separable.mpd")
local scratch = require("scratch")
--local calendar = require("separable.calendar")
local myglobalkeys = {}
local function mpdserver(host)
return function()
mpd.set_server(host, "6600")
awful.util.spawn("mpd-host set " .. host .. " 6600")
local mpdhosts = {
n = { func = mpdserver("nas"), desc = "NAS" },
b = { func = mpdserver("berryhorst"), desc = "Berry" },
l = { func = mpdserver(""), desc = "Local" }
local mpdmap = {
m = { func = mpd.ctrl.toggle, desc = "Toggle" },
n = { func =, desc = "Next" },
N = { func = mpd.ctrl.prev, desc = "Prev" },
s = { func = binder.spawn("mpd"), desc = "start MPD" },
S = { func = binder.spawn("mpd --kill"), desc = "kill MPD" },
g = { func = binder.spawn(conf.cmd.mpd_client), desc = "Gmpc" },
local mpdpromts = {
a = { func = mpd.prompt.artist, desc = "artist" },
b = { func = mpd.prompt.album, desc = "album" },
t = { func = mpd.prompt.title, desc = "title" },
r = { func = mpd.prompt.toggle_replace_on_search, desc = "toggle replacing" },
h = { func = mb.grabf(mpdhosts, "Select MPD host"), desc = "Change host" }
local progmap = {
f = { func = binder.spawn(conf.cmd.browser), desc = "Browser" },
i = { func = binder.spawn(conf.cmd.im_client), desc = "IM Client" },
I = { func = binder.spawn(conf.cmd.irc_client), desc = "IRC" },
t = { func = binder.spawn("telegram"), desc = "Telegram" },
m = { func = binder.spawn(conf.cmd.mail_client), desc = "Mail" },
s = { func = binder.spawn("steam"), desc = "Steam" }
local docmap = {
u = { func = binder.spawn("docopen ~/doc/uni pdf"), desc = "Uni-Dokumente" },
b = { func = binder.spawn("docopen ~/books pdf epub mobi txt lit html htm"), desc = "Bücher" },
t = { func = binder.spawn("dmtexdoc"), desc = "Texdoc" },
j = { func = binder.spawn("dmjavadoc"), desc = "Javadoc" }
local reloadmap = {
r = { func = awesome.restart, desc = "Awesome, full restart" },
b = { func = function()
end, desc = "Bindings" },
--local calendarmap = {
-- o = { func = function() calendar:next() end, desc = "Next" },
-- i = { func = function() calendar:prev() end, desc = "Prev" },
-- onClose = function() calendar:hide() end
local myglobalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
awful.key({ }, "Pause", binder.spawn('wmselect')),
awful.key({ }, "Print", binder.spawn('dmscrot')),
--{{{ Modal mappings
awful.key({ modkey }, "m", mb.grabf(mpdmap, "MPD", true)),
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", mb.grabf(mpdpromts, "MPD - Search for")),
awful.key({ modkey }, "c", mb.grabf(progmap, "Commands")),
awful.key({ modkey }, "d", mb.grabf(docmap, "Documents")),
awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", mb.grabf(reloadmap, "Reload")),
-- {{{ scratch drop
awful.key({ }, "F12", function ()
scratch.drop(conf.cmd.terminal,"center","center", 0.99, 0.7)
end ),
-- }}}
--{{{ dmenu prompts
awful.key({ modkey }, "s", binder.spawn("dmsearch")),
awful.key({ modkey }, "x", binder.spawn("dmxrandr")),
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "x", binder.spawn("xd --dmenu")),
--{{{ misc. XF86 Keys
awful.key({ }, "Scroll_Lock", binder.spawn("xlock")),
awful.key({ modkey }, "BackSpace", binder.spawn("xlock")),
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "BackSpace", binder.spawn("feierabend")),
awful.key({ }, "XF86Explorer", binder.spawn("touchpad")),
awful.key({ "Shift" }, "XF86Explorer", binder.spawn("wacomtouch")),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPlay", mpd.ctrl.toggle),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioNext",,
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPrev", mpd.ctrl.prev)
-- calendar {{{
--awful.key({ modkey }, "y",
-- calendar:show()
-- mb.grab(calendarmap, "Calendar", true)
return myglobalkeys
-- vim: set fenc=utf-8 tw=80 foldmethod=marker :