local awful = awful local M = {} local type = "" -- local functions local show, mpc_play_search, notify local defaults = {} local settings = {} defaults.host = "" defaults.port = 6600 defaults.replace_on_search = true for key, value in pairs(defaults) do settings[key] = value end -- {{{ basic functions -- }}} -- {{{ mpd.ctrl submodule M.ctrl = {} M.ctrl.toggle = function () awful.util.spawn("mpc toggle") end M.ctrl.play = function () awful.util.spawn("mpc play") end M.ctrl.pause = function () awful.util.spawn("mpc pause") end M.ctrl.next = function () awful.util.spawn("mpc next") end M.ctrl.prev = function () awful.util.spawn("mpc prev") end M.ctrl.clear = function () awful.util.spawn("mpc clear") end -- }}} -- {{{ mpd.prompt submodule local clear_before = cfg.mpd_prompt_clear_before == nil and true or cfg.mpd_prompt_clear_before M.prompt = {} M.prompt.artist = function() type = "artist" show() end M.prompt.album = function() type = "album" show() end M.prompt.title = function() type = "title" show() end M.prompt.title = title M.prompt.replace_on_search = function(bool) clear_before = bool end M.prompt.toggle_replace_on_search = function() clear_before = not clear_before notify("MPD prompts now " ..( clear_before and "replace" or "add to" ).. " the playlist") end function show() obvious.popup_run_prompt.set_prompt_string("Play ".. type .. ":") obvious.popup_run_prompt.set_cache("/mpd_ ".. type); obvious.popup_run_prompt.set_run_function(mpc_play_search) obvious.popup_run_prompt.run_prompt() end function mpc_play_search(s) if clear_before then M.ctrl.clear() end awful.util.spawn("mpc search " .. type .. " | mpc add; mpc play") end -- }}} -- {{{ notify wrapper notify = function(stext) if not (naughty == nil) then naughty.notify({ text= stext }) end end --}}} return M -- vim: set fenc=utf-8 tw=80 foldmethod=marker :