diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 98e0180..1270333 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ wallpaper
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 0ae50e8..2a6f841 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-[submodule "obvious"]
- path = obvious
- url = git://git.mercenariesguild.net/obvious.git
[submodule "vicious"]
path = vicious
url = http://git.sysphere.org/vicious
diff --git a/aweswt.lua b/aweswt.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f7eb326..0000000
--- a/aweswt.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
--- aweswt.lua
--- Application switcher using dmenu
-local M = {}
--- local functions
-local get_out, get_input, _switch, assemble_command
-local defaults = {}
-local settings = {}
-defaults.bg_focus = theme.bg_focus
-defaults.fg_focus = theme.fg_focus
-defaults.bg_normal = theme.bg_normal
-defaults.fg_normal = theme.fg_normal
-defaults.font = string.gsub(theme.font, " ","-")
-defaults.menu_cmd = "dmenu -nf %q -nb %q -sf %q -sb %q -p 'Switch to' -fn %q -i"
-local command
-for key, value in pairs(defaults) do
- settings[key] = value
--- switch with window titles
-M.switch = function()
- _switch(true)
--- switch with client instance and class
-M.switch_class = function()
- _switch(false)
--- {{{ option setters
-M.set_bg_focus = function (color)
- settings.bg_focus = color or defaults.bg_focus
- assemble_command()
-M.set_fg_focus = function (color)
- settings.fg_focus = color or defaults.fg_focus
- assemble_command()
-M.set_bg_normal = function (color)
- settings.bg_normal = color or defaults.bg_normal
- assemble_command()
-M.set_fg_normal = function (color)
- settings.fg_normal = color or defaults.fg_normal
- assemble_command()
-M.set_font = function (font)
- settings.font = font or defaults.font
- assemble_command()
-M.set_menu_command = function (command)
- settings.menu_cmd = command or defaults.menu_cmd
- assemble_command()
--- }}}
--- {{{ io functions
-get_out = function (a)
- local f = io.popen(a)
- t = {}
- for line in f:lines() do
- table.insert(t, line)
- end
- return t
-get_input = function (a)
- s1 = 'echo "' .. a .. '" | ' .. command
- return get_out(s1)
--- }}}
--- {{{ main worker function
-_switch = function(use_name)
- local clients = client.get()
- if table.getn(clients) == 0 then
- return
- end
- local client_list_table = {}
- local apps = {}
- for key, client in pairs(clients) do
- local app
- if use_name then
- app = client['name']
- else
- app = key .. ':' .. client['instance'] .. '.' .. client['class']
- end
- table.insert(client_list_table, app)
- apps[app] = client
- end
- table.sort(client_list_table, function(a, b)
- return string.lower(a) < string.lower(b)
- end)
- local client_list = table.concat(client_list_table, "\n")
- local client_selected = apps[get_input(client_list)[1]]
- if client_selected then
- local ctags = client_selected:tags()
- awful.tag.viewonly(ctags[1])
- client.focus = client_selected
- client_selected:raise()
- end
--- }}}
-assemble_command = function()
- command = string.format(settings.menu_cmd,
- settings.fg_normal,
- settings.bg_normal,
- settings.fg_focus,
- settings.bg_focus,
- settings.font)
-return M
diff --git a/bindings.lua b/bindings.lua
index 4a949f5..6f35dda 100644
--- a/bindings.lua
+++ b/bindings.lua
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
local awful = awful
local conf = conf
local mpd = require("mpd")
-local obvious = {}
local scratch = require("scratch")
-obvious.popup_run_prompt = require("obvious.popup_run_prompt")
local modkey = conf.modkey or "Mod4"
local mb = require("modalbind")
@@ -32,9 +30,9 @@ mpdmap = {
mpdpromts = {
name = "MPD PROMPTS",
a = mpd.prompt.artist,
- A = mpd.prompt.album,
+ b = mpd.prompt.album,
t = mpd.prompt.title,
- r = mpd.prompt.toggle_replace_on_search,
+ r = mpd.prompt.toggle_replace_on_search
progmap = {
@@ -51,14 +49,13 @@ function rfkill(cmd)
for key, adapter in pairs(adapters) do
map[key] = spawnf("sudo rfkill "..cmd.." "..adapter)
- print(map["name"])
return map
--- wirelessmap = {
--- name = "RFKILL",
--- b = function () mb.grab(rfkill("block")) end,
--- u = function () mb.grab(rfkill("unblock")) end
--- }
+wirelessmap = {
+ name = "RFKILL",
+ b = mb.grabf(rfkill("block")),
+ u = mb.grabf(rfkill("unblock"))
function bindings.extend_and_register_key_table(globalkeys)
local totalkeys = globalkeys or {}
@@ -71,10 +68,10 @@ function bindings.extend_and_register_key_table(globalkeys)
--{{{ Modal mappings
- awful.key({ modkey }, "m", function () mb.grab(mpdmap, true) end),
- awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", function () mb.grab(mpdpromts) end),
- awful.key({ modkey }, "c", function () mb.grab(progmap) end),
- awful.key({ modkey }, "w", function () mb.grab(wirelessmap) end),
+ awful.key({ modkey }, "m", mb.grabf(mpdmap, true)),
+ awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", mb.grabf(mpdpromts)),
+ awful.key({ modkey }, "c", mb.grabf(progmap)),
+ awful.key({ modkey }, "w", mb.grabf(wirelessmap)),
--{{{ Audio control
diff --git a/inspect.lua b/inspect.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25632c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inspect.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+-- inspect.lua - v1.2.0 (2012-10)
+-- Enrique GarcĂa Cota - enrique.garcia.cota [AT] gmail [DOT] com
+-- human-readable representations of tables.
+-- inspired by http://lua-users.org/wiki/TableSerialization
+local inspect ={}
+inspect.__VERSION = '1.2.0'
+-- Apostrophizes the string if it has quotes, but not aphostrophes
+-- Otherwise, it returns a regular quoted string
+local function smartQuote(str)
+ if string.match( string.gsub(str,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$' ) then
+ return "'" .. str .. "'"
+ end
+ return string.format("%q", str )
+local controlCharsTranslation = {
+ ["\a"] = "\\a", ["\b"] = "\\b", ["\f"] = "\\f", ["\n"] = "\\n",
+ ["\r"] = "\\r", ["\t"] = "\\t", ["\v"] = "\\v", ["\\"] = "\\\\"
+local function unescapeChar(c) return controlCharsTranslation[c] end
+local function unescape(str)
+ local result, _ = string.gsub( str, "(%c)", unescapeChar )
+ return result
+local function isIdentifier(str)
+ return type(str) == 'string' and str:match( "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$" )
+local function isArrayKey(k, length)
+ return type(k)=='number' and 1 <= k and k <= length
+local function isDictionaryKey(k, length)
+ return not isArrayKey(k, length)
+local sortOrdersByType = {
+ ['number'] = 1, ['boolean'] = 2, ['string'] = 3, ['table'] = 4,
+ ['function'] = 5, ['userdata'] = 6, ['thread'] = 7
+local function sortKeys(a,b)
+ local ta, tb = type(a), type(b)
+ if ta ~= tb then return sortOrdersByType[ta] < sortOrdersByType[tb] end
+ if ta == 'string' or ta == 'number' then return a < b end
+ return false
+local function getDictionaryKeys(t)
+ local length = #t
+ local keys = {}
+ for k,_ in pairs(t) do
+ if isDictionaryKey(k, length) then table.insert(keys,k) end
+ end
+ table.sort(keys, sortKeys)
+ return keys
+local function getToStringResultSafely(t, mt)
+ local __tostring = type(mt) == 'table' and mt.__tostring
+ local string, status
+ if type(__tostring) == 'function' then
+ status, string = pcall(__tostring, t)
+ string = status and string or 'error: ' .. tostring(string)
+ end
+ return string
+local Inspector = {}
+function Inspector:new(t, depth)
+ local inspector = {
+ buffer = {},
+ depth = depth,
+ level = 0,
+ maxIds = {
+ ['function'] = 0,
+ ['userdata'] = 0,
+ ['thread'] = 0,
+ ['table'] = 0,
+ ['key'] = 0,
+ ['tag'] = 0
+ },
+ ids = {
+ ['function'] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}),
+ ['userdata'] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}),
+ ['thread'] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}),
+ ['table'] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}),
+ ['key'] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"}),
+ ['tag'] = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "kv"})
+ },
+ tableAppearances = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
+ }
+ setmetatable(inspector, {__index = Inspector})
+ inspector:countTableAppearances(t)
+ return inspector:putValue(t)
+function Inspector:countTableAppearances(t)
+ if type(t) == 'table' then
+ if not self.tableAppearances[t] then
+ self.tableAppearances[t] = 1
+ for k,v in pairs(t) do
+ self:countTableAppearances(k)
+ self:countTableAppearances(v)
+ end
+ else
+ self.tableAppearances[t] = self.tableAppearances[t] + 1
+ end
+ self:countTableAppearances(getmetatable(t))
+ end
+function Inspector:tabify()
+ self:puts("\n", string.rep(" ", self.level))
+ return self
+function Inspector:up()
+ self.level = self.level - 1
+function Inspector:down()
+ self.level = self.level + 1
+function Inspector:puts(...)
+ local args = {...}
+ local len = #self.buffer
+ for i=1, #args do
+ len = len + 1
+ self.buffer[len] = tostring(args[i])
+ end
+ return self
+function Inspector:commaControl(comma)
+ if comma then self:puts(',') end
+ return true
+function Inspector:putTable(t)
+ if self:alreadyVisited(t) then
+ self:puts('
+ elseif self.depth and self.level >= self.depth then
+ self:puts('{...}')
+ else
+ if self.tableAppearances[t] > 1 then
+ self:puts('<',self:getId(t),'>')
+ end
+ self:puts('{')
+ self:down()
+ local length = #t
+ local mt = getmetatable(t)
+ local string = getToStringResultSafely(t, mt)
+ if type(string) == 'string' and #string > 0 then
+ self:puts(' -- ', unescape(string))
+ if length >= 1 then self:tabify() end -- tabify the array values
+ end
+ local comma = false
+ for i=1, length do
+ comma = self:commaControl(comma)
+ self:puts(' '):putValue(t[i])
+ end
+ local dictKeys = getDictionaryKeys(t)
+ for _,k in ipairs(dictKeys) do
+ comma = self:commaControl(comma)
+ self:tabify():putKey(k):puts(' = '):putValue(t[k])
+ end
+ if mt then
+ comma = self:commaControl(comma)
+ self:tabify():puts(' = '):putValue(mt)
+ end
+ self:up()
+ if #dictKeys > 0 or mt then -- dictionary table. Justify closing }
+ self:tabify()
+ elseif length > 0 then -- array tables have one extra space before closing }
+ self:puts(' ')
+ end
+ self:puts('}')
+ end
+ return self
+function Inspector:alreadyVisited(v)
+ return self.ids[type(v)][v] ~= nil
+function Inspector:getId(v)
+ local tv = type(v)
+ local idtable = self.ids[tv]
+ local id = idtable and idtable[v] or nil
+ if not id then
+ id = self.maxIds[tv] + 1
+ self.maxIds[tv] = id
+ self.ids[tv][v] = id
+ end
+ return id
+function Inspector:putValue(v)
+ local tv = type(v)
+ if tv == 'string' then
+ self:puts(smartQuote(unescape(v)))
+ elseif tv == 'number' or tv == 'boolean' or tv == 'nil' then
+ self:puts(tostring(v))
+ elseif tv == 'table' then
+ self:putTable(v)
+ else
+ self:puts('<',tv,' ',self:getId(v),'>')
+ end
+ return self
+function Inspector:putKey(k)
+ if isIdentifier(k) then return self:puts(k) end
+ return self:puts( "[" ):putValue(k):puts("]")
+function Inspector:tostring()
+ return table.concat(self.buffer)
+setmetatable(inspect, { __call = function(_,t,depth)
+ return Inspector:new(t, depth):tostring()
+end })
+return inspect
diff --git a/modalbind.lua b/modalbind.lua
index f3f027c..aef2c71 100644
--- a/modalbind.lua
+++ b/modalbind.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-local M = {}
+local modalbind = {}
+local wibox = require("wibox")
local inited = false
local modewidget = {}
local modewibox = { screen = -1 }
+local nesting = 0
--local functions
@@ -31,49 +33,54 @@ end
--- Change the opacity of the modebox.
-- @param amount opacity between 0.0 and 1.0, or nil to use default
-M.set_opacity = function (amount)
+function set_opacity(amount)
settings.opacity = amount or defaults.opacity
+modalbind.set_opacity = set_opacity
--- Change height of the modebox.
-- @param amount height in pixels, or nil to use default
-M.set_height = function (amount)
+function set_height(amount)
settings.height = amount or defaults.height
+modalbind.set_height = set_height
--- Change border width of the modebox.
-- @param amount width in pixels, or nil to use default
-M.set_border_width = function (amount)
+function set_border_width(amount)
settings.border_width = amount or defaults.border_width
+modalbind.set_border_width = set_border_width
--- Change horizontal offset of the modebox.
-- set location for the box with set_corner(). The box is shifted to the right
-- if it is in one of the left corners or to the left otherwise
-- @param amount horizontal shift in pixels, or nil to use default
-M.set_x_offset = function (amount)
+function set_x_offset (amount)
settings.x_offset = amount or defaults.x_offset
+modalbind.set_x_offset = set_x_offset
--- Change vertical offset of the modebox.
-- set location for the box with set_corner(). The box is shifted downwards if it
-- is in one of the upper corners or upwards otherwise.
-- @param amount vertical shift in pixels, or nil to use default
-M.set_y_offset = function (amount)
+function set_y_offset(amount)
settings.y_offset = amount or defaults.y_offset
+modalbind.set_y_offset = set_y_offset
--- Set the corner, where the modebox will be displayed
-- If a parameter is not a valid orientation (see below), the function returns
-- without doing anything
-- @param vertical either top or bottom
-- @param horizontal either left or right
-M.set_corner = function (vertical, horizontal)
+function set_corner(vertical, horizontal)
if (vertical ~= "top" and vertical ~= "bottom") then
@@ -83,10 +90,12 @@ M.set_corner = function (vertical, horizontal)
settings.corner_v = vertical or defaults.corner_v
settings.corner_h = horizontal or defaults.corner_h
+modalbind.set_corner = set_corner
-M.set_show_options = function (bool)
+function set_show_options(bool)
settings.show_options = bool
+modalbind.set_show_options = set_show_options
local function set_default(s)
minwidth, minheight = modewidget[s]:fit(screen[s].geometry.width,
@@ -151,12 +160,16 @@ local function hide_box()
if s ~= -1 then modewibox[s].visible = false end
-M.grab = function(keymap, stay_in_mode)
- if keymap.name then show_box(mouse.screen, keymap) end
+function grab(keymap, stay_in_mode)
+ if keymap.name then
+ show_box(mouse.screen, keymap)
+ nesting = nesting + 1
+ end
keygrabber.run(function(mod, key, event)
if key == "Escape" then
+ nesting = 0
return true
@@ -167,9 +180,10 @@ M.grab = function(keymap, stay_in_mode)
if stay_in_mode then
- M.grab(keymap, true)
+ grab(keymap, true)
- hide_box()
+ nesting = nesting - 1
+ if nesting < 1 then hide_box() end
return true
@@ -177,10 +191,14 @@ M.grab = function(keymap, stay_in_mode)
return true
-M.grabf = function(keymap, stay_in_mode)
- return function() M.grab(keymap, stay_in_mode) end
+modalbind.grab = grab
+function grabf(keymap, stay_in_mode)
+ return function() grab(keymap, stay_in_mode) end
+modalbind.grabf = grabf
-M.wibox = function() return modewibox[1] end
+function modebox() return modewibox[1] end
+modalbind.modebox = modebox
-return M
+return modalbind
diff --git a/mpd.lua b/mpd.lua
index 1d8239c..99b3c9b 100644
--- a/mpd.lua
+++ b/mpd.lua
@@ -1,74 +1,46 @@
---assert(package.loadlib(MY_PATH .. "./mpdc.so", "luaopen_mpdc"))
-require "mpdc"
local M = {}
-local type = ""
local conf = conf
+local awful = awful
+local log = log
-- local functions
-local show, mpc_play_search, notify
-local conn = nil
+local dmenu, mpc_play_search, notify, mpc
local defaults = {}
local settings = {}
-defaults.host = ""
-defaults.port = 6600
defaults.replace_on_search = true
for key, value in pairs(defaults) do
settings[key] = value
--- {{{ basic functions
-M.connect = function ()
- print("Connecting to mpd")
- conn = mpdc.open(settings.host, settings.port)
+mpc = function(command)
+ awful.util.spawn("mpc " .. command)
-M.disconnect = function()
- if conn ~= nil then conn:close() end
- conn = nil
-M.ensure_connection = function()
- -- connect on first call
- if conn == nil then M.connect() end
--- }}}
-- {{{ mpd.ctrl submodule
M.ctrl = {}
M.ctrl.toggle = function ()
- M.ensure_connection()
- conn:toggle()
+ mpc("toggle")
M.ctrl.play = function ()
- M.ensure_connection()
- conn:play()
- -- TODO widget updating
+ mpc("play")
M.ctrl.pause = function ()
- M.ensure_connection()
- conn:pause()
+ mpc("pause")
M.ctrl.next = function ()
- M.ensure_connection()
- conn:next()
- -- TODO widget updating
+ mpc("next")
M.ctrl.prev = function ()
- M.ensure_connection()
- conn:prev()
- -- TODO widget updating
+ mpc("prev")
-- }}}
@@ -82,22 +54,23 @@ local clear_before = conf.mpd_prompt_clear_before == nil and
M.prompt = {}
M.prompt.artist = function()
- type = "artist"
- show()
+ dmenu("-a")
M.prompt.album = function()
- type = "album"
- show()
+ dmenu("-a -b")
M.prompt.title = function()
- type = "title"
- show()
+ dmenu("-a -b -t")
M.prompt.title = title
+function dmenu(opts)
+ awful.util.spawn("dmpc " .. (clear_before and "-r" or "-R") .. " " .. opts)
M.prompt.replace_on_search = function(bool)
clear_before = bool
@@ -109,19 +82,8 @@ M.prompt.toggle_replace_on_search = function()
).. " the playlist")
-function show()
- obvious.popup_run_prompt.set_prompt_string("Play ".. type .. ":")
- obvious.popup_run_prompt.set_cache("/mpd_ ".. type);
- obvious.popup_run_prompt.set_run_function(mpc_play_search)
- obvious.popup_run_prompt.run_prompt()
function mpc_play_search(s)
- if clear_before then conn:clear() end
- local result, num = conn:isearch(type, s)
- notify("Found " .. (num) .. " matches");
- conn:iadd(result)
- conn:play()
+ notify("Found " .. (s) .. " matches");
-- }}}
diff --git a/obvious b/obvious
deleted file mode 160000
index c5b8844..0000000
--- a/obvious
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit c5b884459194a15a38b88c99d5558a64efaf4e89
diff --git a/rc.lua b/rc.lua
index 64f938f..0e1fe34 100644
--- a/rc.lua
+++ b/rc.lua
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ beautiful = require("autobeautiful")
naughty = require("naughty")
conf = require("localconf")
+inspect = require("inspect")
-- }}}
layouts = require('layouts')
@@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ log.add_logger(log.loggers.naughty, 2)
tags = require('tags')
-- }}}
-- {{{ widgets
diff --git a/rules.lua b/rules.lua
index b512885..4f50dac 100644
--- a/rules.lua
+++ b/rules.lua
@@ -129,6 +129,18 @@ local function setup(self)
opacity = 0.9
+ {
+ rule = { class = "feh", name = "timetable" },
+ properties = {
+ tag = tags[rule_screen][13],
+ skip_taskbar = true,
+ type = desktop,
+ below = true,
+ focusable = false,
+ border_width = 0,
+ floating = true
+ }
+ },
rule = { instance = "Awesomelog" },
properties = {
diff --git a/simplelog.lua b/simplelog.lua
index 6526689..b4e4c30 100644
--- a/simplelog.lua
+++ b/simplelog.lua
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ function loglv(msg, level)
-function debug(msg)
+function dbg(msg)
loglv(msg, 0)
-simplelog.debug = debug
+simplelog.debug = dbg
function log(msg)
loglv(msg, 1)
@@ -50,13 +50,11 @@ function add_logger(logger, level)
if level == nil then
level = settings.defaultlevel
- print(inspect(logger))
table.insert(settings.loggers, function(msg, severity)
if severity >= level then
logger(msg, severity)
- print(inspect(settings.loggers))
simplelog.add_logger = add_logger
diff --git a/uzbl.lua b/uzbl.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd6b22..0000000
--- a/uzbl.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-uzbltag = tags[rule_screen][2]
-mytasklist = {}
-mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
-awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
- if c == client.focus then
- c.minimized = true
- else
- if not c:isvisible() then
- awful.tag.viewonly(c:tags()[1])
- end
- -- This will also un-minimize
- -- the client, if needed
- client.focus = c
- c:raise()
- end
-awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
- if instance then
- instance:hide()
- instance = nil
- else
- instance = awful.menu.clients({ width=250 })
- end
-awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
- awful.client.focus.byidx(1)
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
-awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
- awful.client.focus.byidx(-1)
- if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
-mytasklist[rule_screen] = awful.widget.tasklist(function(c)
- return awful.widget.tasklist.label.currenttags(c, rule_screen)
-end, mytasklist.buttons)
-uzblbox = {}
-uzblbox = awful.wibox({ position = "top", screen = rule_screen })
-uzblbox.visible = false
-uzblbox.widgets = { mytasklist[rule_screen],
-layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.rightleft }
-uzbltag:add_signal("property::selected", function (tag)
- uzblbox.visible = tag.selected
diff --git a/widgets.lua b/widgets.lua
index c1ccffc..9c7b21f 100644
--- a/widgets.lua
+++ b/widgets.lua
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ widgets.add.cpu = cpuwidget
-- battery
local function batterywidget(name, screen, parent_layout, batname) --{{{
+ print("creating batwidget '" .. name .. "' for battery '"..batname.."'")
local widget = wibox.widget.textbox()
local bg = wibox.widget.background()
- print("creating batwidget '" .. name .. "' for battery '"..batname.."'")
vicious.register(widget, vicious.widgets.bat, function (widget, args)
if args[2] == 0 then return ""